AI: The New Recruiter You Didn't Ask For
Sunday 2nd February 2025
Your CV Consultant
In a world where artificial intelligence is increasingly taking over tasks once reserved for humans, such as driving cars, composing symphonies, and even writing essays on how AI is taking over (is this AI written or not?) the logical next step was to let AI recruit our future colleagues. Yes, in case you've been living under a virtual rock, your next boss may very well be an algorithm (or more of one). But don't worry, at least it won't ask you to make coffee.
Let's start with the basics. AI recruitment tools are designed to sift through endless CV's faster than any tired recruiter could ever dream. It doesn't get distracted by cat videos on YouTube, doesn't need to take a cig break, and, most importantly, it doesn't ask to "see you in the conference room for a chat" as it secretly panics over human interaction. Instead, it uses algorithms to scan CV's, analyse keywords, and assess personality traits based on your writing style. Goodbye human intuition, hello math and data.
AD BREAK Your CV Consultant write winning CV's that pass AI and human filters alike. Click to find out more. END OF AD BREAK.
Imagine applying for a job and your CV is immediately fed into the AI system. The AI evaluates your experience, your education, and your hobbies. That "Binge watching documentaries on obscure historical events" section may not make you sound like the next Elon Musk, but the AI doesn't care. It only cares about data. Will you be a cultural fit? Probably not, but who needs culture when you have spreadsheets?
It gets more fascinating or terrifying, depending on your view, when the AI begins to assess your social media presence. In its quest for the "perfect candidate," it scans your Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, and Twitter profiles. It evaluates your memes, your selfies, and your deep, heartfelt rants about pineapple on pizza. Is your online persona one that screams "I'll be a great team player" or "I still haven't figured out how to make a LinkedIn post without sounding like a robot"? Don't worry, the AI knows.
Now, let's talk about interviews. Gone are the days of awkward handshakes and nervous sweat stains. AI's new favorite tool? Virtual assistants that conduct interviews for you. Imagine sitting at home in your pajamas (which you can totally keep on) while an AI chatbot asks you questions. At first, you think, "I've got this. I'm a people person." But 15 minutes in, you realise you've been talking to a robot who asks questions like "What's your favorite type of cloud, and why?" and "If you could be a tree, what kind of tree would you be?" Spoiler alert: Your answer better be more profound than 'a tree that a dog likes.'
And don't forget the follow up emails sent by the AI, of course. The robot doesn't care that you've already gotten the job or politely declined. It will send you 12 emails in 24 hours, reminding you that "we are still reviewing your profile" and "you will be notified of your status soon" and "this opportunity is still open, and don't forget to check our website for updates." (Because, of course, you're not doing that already, right?)
Sure, there are many benefits to AI recruitment: it's faster, it's more efficient, and it won't ever tell you your shirt is "too casual" for an interview. But there's something to be said for the human touch. Maybe AI will hire you for your qualifications, but only a human recruiter can admire the subtle art of your charm, your smile, or your ability to dodge the "What's your greatest weakness?" question with grace and wit.
So, the next time you apply for a job and receive an automated email, don't be too quick to judge. You might just be one step closer to working with the world's first AI-created team—and, who knows? Maybe one day, the AI will even recruit you to run the whole thing. We've got to start somewhere, right?